FUV Live Sessions

Temples at Rockwood Music Hall (photo by Gus Philippas/WFUV)

Temples: Rockwood Music Hall 2020

February 25, 2020|Kara Manning
Watch/Listen: FUV Live concert
Nada Surf at Rockwood Music Hall (photo by Gus Philippas/WFUV)

Nada Surf: Rockwood Music Hall 2020

February 24, 2020|Eric Holland
Watch/Listen: Nada Surf in concert.
The Wood Brothers in Studio A (photo by Gus Philippas/WFUV)

The Wood Brothers: 2020

February 19, 2020|Eric Holland
Watch/Listen: Live session with DJ Eric Holland
Nathaniel Rateliff in Studio A (photo by Gus Philippas/WFUV)

Nathaniel Rateliff: 2020

February 17, 2020|Eric Holland
Listen: FUV Live session with Eric Holland
Algiers in Studio A (photo by Nora Doyle/WFUV)

Algiers: 2020

February 12, 2020|Eric Holland
Listen: FUV Live session with Eric Holland
William Prince in Studio A (photo by Steven Ruggiero/WFUV)

William Prince: 2020

February 05, 2020|Rita Houston
FUV Live session
A full stage at the Woody's Children 50th Anniversary Concert (Photo: © Steve J. Sherman)

Woody's Children: 50th Anniversary Concert

February 01, 2020|Bob Sherman
Listen: 2018 Concert from Symphony Space
Allen Stone and band at Rockwood Music Hall (photo by Gus Philippas/WFUV)

Allen Stone: Rockwood Music Hall 2020

January 27, 2020|Russ Borris

Allen Stone has been making a name for himself the old-fashioned way by hitting the road and playing live as often as...

Eric Holland with Dan Luke and the Raid in Studio A (photo by Nora Doyle/WFUV)

Dan Luke and the Raid: 2020

January 22, 2020|Eric Holland
FUV Live session, 2019
Vagabon in Studio A (photo by Nora Doyle/WFUV)

Vagabon: 2020

January 20, 2020|Kara Manning
FUV Live session with Lætitia Tamko
Judy Collins in Studio A (photo by Gus Philippas/WFUV)

Judy Collins: Mixed Bag 2019

January 18, 2020|Don McGee

I’m still amazed when I get to interview a musician whose music I’ve loved most of my life. It happened recently, when Judy...

White Reaper in Studio A (photo by Kay Kurkierewicz/WFUV)

White Reaper: 2020

January 13, 2020|Eric Holland
FUV Live session