Liz Phair (photo by Eszter & David)

Liz Phair

June 07, 2021|Darren DeVivo
New Dig album review, Soberish
Claude (photo by Angela Ricciardi, PR)

Claud On Belle and Sebastian

June 07, 2021|Alisa Ali
Pride series: LGBTQ+ musicians on their most loved albums
Chvrches with Robert Smith (photo by Sebastian Mlynarski & Kevin J Thomson, PR)

UKNY For June 6

June 06, 2021|Kara Manning

There's no greater bliss for musicians than to have the chance to collaborate with the one person who inspired you to play...

Bugs and Insects

June 04, 2021|Corny O'Connell

Have you seen any cicadas this year? It's that time of year when we're more likely to notice bugs and insects. What songs...

It's a Date!

June 03, 2021|Corny O'Connell

I'd like to ask you for a date. Can you come up with a song that has a date, like the 3rd of June, in the lyrics? If you can...

Milking It for All It's Worth

June 02, 2021|Corny O'Connell

The new release from The Black Keys, Delta Kream, is the 'FUV NewDig this week. The album takes its name from a hamburger...

John Grant (photo by Hörður Sveinsson, PR)

John Grant on Talk Talk

June 01, 2021|Alisa Ali
Pride series: LGBTQ+ musicians on their most loved albums

Memorial Day

May 31, 2021|Corny O'Connell

Memorial Day marks the unofficial start to the summer season. Originally it was a day of remembrance for soldiers killed in...

The Black Keys (photo by Joshua Black Wilkins)

The Black Keys

May 31, 2021|Darren DeVivo
New Dig album review: 'Delta Kream'