
June 23, 2020|Corny O'Connell

As part of FUV's EQFM initiative, our Album ReCue takes a look back at Patti Smith's debut Horses. That's all the excuse we...

"Marquee Live at Home" with Low Cut Connie (photo courtesy of the artist)

Low Cut Connie: 2020

June 23, 2020|Paul Cavalconte
Listen: Live (bathrobe and fishnets) concert from home


June 22, 2020|Corny O'Connell

Summer has arrived and we're celebrating with songs of the season. Share your favorite summer songs and we'll spin a set...

Bob Dylan (photo by William Claxton, PR)

Bob Dylan

June 22, 2020|Darren DeVivo
New Dig album review: 'Rough and Rowdy Ways'
Patti Smith at the 2016 Newport Folk Festival (photo by Neil Swanson for WFUV)

Patti Smith: Horses

June 22, 2020|Kara Manning
Music that matters: 'Horses'
Anna Calvi (photo by Maisie Cousins, PR)

UKNY for June 21

June 21, 2020|Kara Manning

Yesterday, June 20, was not only start of summer—and the longest, most glorious stretch of light all year—but a significant...

Eric Lee, engineer Jeremy Rainer, Steve Addabbo, Eric Andersen, host Don McGee and Jagoda at WFUV (photo by Carol Rothman)

Eric Andersen: Mixed Bag 2020

June 20, 2020|Don McGee

In January, Eric Andersen paid a rare visit to the United States from the Netherlands. He played some local gigs and was...

Thank You!

June 18, 2020|Corny O'Connell

Thank you for supporting WFUV! The generosity of our members enables the station to do everything that we do. Let us play...

Juneteenth 2020

June 17, 2020|WFUV Staff

In light of the focused awareness on the continuing damage that systemic racism does to humanity, and in recognition of the...


June 17, 2020|Corny O'Connell

Help end WFUV's member drive ahead of schedule today. If we can meet the challenge of raising $100,000, that amount will be...