'Romeo and Juliet' Ignites Summer Tradition

June 29, 2012|Connor Ryan
Shakespeare on the Sound hopes to spark "fearlessness" among local community.

"In fair Verona...in fair Verona..." so goes...

New 24/7 Laundry Mat Hits the Upper East Side

June 29, 2012|Kris Venezia
Dashlocker offers customers a new way to clean dirty clothes.

A new laundry mat on the Upper East Side has no dryers or...

McCarren Park Pool Gets a New Look

June 27, 2012|Ashwin Bhandari
The space hasn't seen water since 1984.

 New York City pools will open for the season on June 28th. For one Brooklyn...

History is Still Being "Written" for NYC Pen Shop

June 25, 2012|Ashwin Bhandari
Despite digital communication, nothing can replace a pen says shop owner.

With texting and email primary forms of...

Strike a Chord: Electoral Engagement

June 23, 2012|George Bodarky
We're looking at various efforts to boost political consciousness in New York City and beyond.

No doubt there are a lot of...

Strike a Chord: Electorial Engagement

June 23, 2012|Robin Shannon
Understanding political engagement

WFUV's Strike a Chord campaign on electoral engagement continues on Fordham Conversations...

Empty Seats at Citi Field and Yankee Stadium

June 22, 2012|Jake Neher
Despite winning records, NY clubs struggle with attendance.

New York City baseball fans are turning their attention to Citi...

Study: Music Fans Differ in Political Allegiances, Share Values

June 22, 2012|Jacob Anderson
WFUV's spotlighting the issue of electoral engagement as part of our Strike a Chord campaign.

Headcount registers voters...

Dominicans in Washington Heights Weigh in on Tuesday's Primary

June 22, 2012|Claudia Morell
Ethnic pride is not the only factor guiding many Espaillat supporters to the polls Tuesday.

New York State Senator Adriano...

A Study Explores the Relationship Between Musical Tastes and Politics

June 22, 2012|Jacob Anderson
All this week, WFUV's Strike a Chord campaign focuses on electoral engagement.

Musicians are usually not shy to voice their...