Cardinal Dolan Condemns Trump Administration Policy

June 28, 2018|Marina Kopf

The Catholic Church is stepping up to help immigrant children who have been separated from their families in New York City...

Pool Season is Finally Here

June 27, 2018|Marina Kopf

New York City pools are open just in time for a weekend heat wave. Even though the sun stayed away for opening day Wednesday...

The Not So Concrete Jungle

June 27, 2018|George Bodarky

New York City is comprised of a lot of concrete and steel, but throughout this great metropolis is a whole lot of green. On...

School's Out...And Kids are Planning Their Summers

June 26, 2018|Julia Rose Herman

School's out. Public school students have finished classes and are now starting their summer break. WFUV's Julia Rose Herman...

New Report Highlights Lack Of Investment In NYC Parks

June 26, 2018|Julia Agos

A new report says that some New York City Parks have not been refurbished in decades. WFUV's Julia Agos reports. 

Bronx Hosts Prayer Vigil and Rally for Separated Immigrant Children

June 22, 2018|Andrew Seger

New Yorkers fight to reunite separated immigrant families. In the Bronx, Borough president Ruben Diaz Jr hosted a prayer...

RUSA LGBT Marching in NYC Pride Parade this Sunday

June 22, 2018|Julia Rose Herman

Discrimination against the LGBTQ community is prominent in Russian culture. WFUV's Julia Rose Herman talks with one group...

Woman Facing Deportation Takes Shelter in Manhattan Church

June 21, 2018|Erica Scalise

New York City officials and advocates are rallying behind a mother who's facing deportation. WFUV's Erica Scalise reports on...

City Council Discusses Severe Weather Preparations

June 20, 2018|Alexandra Parker

With hurricane season underway, The New York City Council is discussing emergency planning. WFUV's Alexandra Parker has more...

Mayor De Blasio Unveils New Policy to Reduce Unnecessary Marijuana Arrests

June 19, 2018|Max Fernandez

Mayor Bill DeBlasio has announced changes to marijuana policy in New York. WFUV's Max Fernandez has more...