Crossword Puzzles
February 10, 2022|Corny O'Connell
WFUV listeners, here's a crossword puzzle just for you. Before you complete that, we have to puzzle through what we're going...
Algiers' Franklin James Fisher: Five Essential Albums
February 10, 2022|Kara Manning
Faves that blur the lines of genre (and expectation).
Happy Birthday, Carole King!
February 09, 2022|Corny O'Connell
Happy 80th Birthday to Carole King! Carole has written dozens of songs that have been hits for others in addition to her own...
Tiny Song Contest
February 08, 2022|Corny O'Connell
If you're the next great undiscovered musician, enter NPR's Tiny Desk Contest. If you're not, enter WFUV's Tiny Song Contest...
Solve Corny's Crossword
February 07, 2022|Corny O'Connell
Corny O'Connell gives us The Question of the Day weekday mornings on WFUV, which is always a fun way to get your brain in...
Black History Month: Blues
February 07, 2022|Corny O'Connell
We're spotlighting different genres each week for Black History Month on WFUV. This week, along with rock, country and...
Brittney Spencer: Five Essential Albums
February 07, 2022|Kara Manning
Her early faves lie outside the country music world.
UKNY for February 6
February 06, 2022|Kara Manning
Singer and songwriter Poppy Ajudha finally releases her debut album, The Power of Us, on March 11, but she's been a vibrant...
Like Facebook?
February 04, 2022|Corny O'Connell
Today Facebook turns eighteen years old. What began as an online social directory for Harvard College students now boasts 2...