This Is Only A Test 4/4/08
April 05, 2008|Russ Borris
Hey, the show was really fun last night. Let us know what you think by e-mailing
Here's the list...
WFUV’s Spring Membership Drive begins this Thursday and this time around, we’ll be concentrating on FUV A-Z. So, we’ll play...
Getting back to my March 15 post (”Exciting music news”), there is another new item that has me very excited!! Yes my...
Sometimes traveling around with a pocket-sized video camera (The Flip Ultra, in my case) makes for a nice little, um...
Here’s the set list from the REM show at Stubbs at SXSW
As you can see there are many new songs! Hear the concert tonight on...
No one sounds like this band! No one! The My Morning Jacket set at Austin Music Hall was surely a high point of the fest...