SXSW Day 4? 5? Who's Counting?

Sometimes traveling around with a pocket-sized video camera (The Flip Ultra, in my case) makes for a nice little, um... refresher course of sorts, in the light of the next day. So what’s the camera got to tell us today?

We know that Langhorne Slim puts on a heckuva show, and that the people really, really like him. They like him enough to join him en masse for the show’s big finish, which everyone seemed very friendly about (that part doesn’t always happen in New York). As for the show itself, I came away feeling an AmosLee-DavidFord-MikeDoughty kinda vibe -- but some of that AmosLee thing might actually be based on the hat. And extra respect to any band dragging a stand-up bass across the country and then from gig to gig to gig to gig in the Texas heat.

Here’s that big finish: Langhorne Slim SXSW 2008

I made sure to get to the Joseph Arthur show to end the night, and I seem to have all kinds of bits and pieces of that on video. But I never want to post anything that I think the artist would object to, so I’ll put a whole song up -- Joe, if you don’t want it up here, just say the word.

“In the Sun” Joseph Arthur SXSW 2008

What I really wish I recorded was the hilarious conversation I had crossing a parking lot on the way home, where I bumped into two fine gentlemen from the Spanish band Love of Lesbians, desperate to find someone who spoke enough espanol to point them toward a late-night cerveza. Luckily, it’s cerveza itself that makes it possible for me to speak any espanol. So we had a good laugh, I sent them toward 6th St., we lamented the cancellation of their original flight here and the fact that they then missed their scheduled show yesterday with La Mala (Rodriguez), but that they’ll be playing at 1am tonight (am, pm, noche, dia, I’m pretty sure it’s tonight).

Among yesterday’s panels was a good one on music blogging, featuring writers of blogs I enjoy and respect, which is making this process a little more self-conscious today. I may not be a household name for FUV listeners, but I’m willing to tell a story or two, and if you’ve read this far, I guess I’m doing OK.

- Laura

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