News & Politics

Morning Brief: November 21st

November 21, 2013|Kris Venezia
Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio will soon take the reigns of New York City.

De Blasio takes office January 1st, and he has...

NYC Cab Drivers Sign Petition to End Mandatory Fare Tax

November 20, 2013|Kris Venezia
Tax requires all cab drivers to pay six cents per fare to fund disability insurance and health-care navigation services.


City College of New York Opens "World Without AIDS Exhibit"

November 20, 2013|Justin Hyland
Art exhibition pays tribute to those living with HIV/AIDS

Colored fabrics and stark photographs hang on the walls of Aaron...

Morning Brief: November 20th

November 20, 2013|Kris Venezia
Some free events happening in New York City!

For those New Yorkers looking to save a few bucks, there's some free things...

Commemorating JFK 50 Years Later After His Assassination: A Look at His Connections to the Bronx

November 19, 2013|Daniel Murphy
Although he's known for his roots in Boston, the President spent some time of his life living in the borough with his family...

Morning Brief: November 19th

November 19, 2013|Kris Venezia
David Byrne Announces a Concert to Help Those Suffering After the Typhoon in the Philippines.

Byrne will take the stage at...

Westchester High School Remembers JFK 50 Years After Assassination

November 18, 2013|Katharine O'Marra
A high school in Somers, New York, will honor its namesake with a moment of silence and mass Friday.

This Friday marks the...

Amid 2014 Fundraising, Cuomo Approval Rating Dips to New Low

November 18, 2013|Connor Ryan
Cuomo has raised $28 million for next year's election. Some wonder about presidential bid.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has...

Morning Brief: November 18th

November 18, 2013|Kris Venezia
Check out fun events happening this week in the Big Apple!

There are plenty of things going on in New York City this week for...

Morning Brief: November 15

November 15, 2013|Jeff Coltin
Park Preview, but Public need Patience

A newly designed park on Governors Island was open for preview yesterday. When it...