Proposed Port Authority Hikes Spur Controversy

August 16, 2011|Katie Fisher

Commuters and union members argue over proposed toll hikes.

At a crowded public hearing Tuesday in Manhattan, some New...

Officials Urge Tame Celebrations at Dominican Day Parade

August 12, 2011|Claudia Morell

Every year thousands of New Yorkers attend the annual Dominican Day Parade in Midtown West.

As the city prepares for the...

Ecotourism in Curacao

August 12, 2011|Robin Shannon

Discovering Curacao's rich and diverse culture 

Fordham University's Robin Andersen is researching Ecotourism and writing for...

New app to Navigate NYC School Calendar

August 11, 2011|Angelina Chavez

A New York City Public School teacher wants to help parents, teachers, students and staffs keep track of important school...

Creative Minds

August 11, 2011|George Bodarky

Talking with New York City inventors

Great inventors of the past have influenced the world we live in today. Thomas Edison...

Human Chain Planned for 9/11 Anniversary

August 10, 2011|Julie Clark

A Lower Manhattan community board is creating a human chain in Battery Park.

The human chain will begin in Battery Park at 8...

Katie Fisher, WFUV

Free Friday Night Event in Harlem

August 10, 2011|Katie Fisher

Jump start your weekends with free music and gallery tours at the Studio Museum in Harlem.

Every Thursday through Labor Day...

Free NYC: Classical Music on a Barge

August 10, 2011|Morlene Chin

Beethoven, Bach and more on a barge in the East River.

Every Thursday through Labor Day, WFUV news is introducing you to free...

Bronx Clinics Could Lose Medicaid Funding

August 09, 2011|Claudia Morell

Patients cheer as Espada assures there will be "no burial" for the clinics, and calls the investigation unwarranted.


NYC Street Food

August 08, 2011|George Bodarky

Today's street food isn't the street food of your grandmother's days-- but we'll talk about both in this episode of...