Congresswoman Calls for Investment in NYC Waterfronts

July 30, 2013|Katharine O'Marra
Proposed bill would promote resilience and environmental sustainability on New York's waterfront.

Congresswoman Nydia...

Queens Councilman Van Bramer Cleans Up Seven Subway Line

July 30, 2013|Justin Hyland
Councilman Van Bramer introduces "pigeon mitigation systems" to stop pigeon excrement problem.
Queens Councilman Jimmy Van...

Fast-Food Workers Hit the Streets, Asking for Higher Wages

July 29, 2013|Connor Ryan
Fast-food employees in seven cities seek higher wages, right to form union.

Hundreds of fast-food employees in New York City...

Stringer Plans to Monitor Sandy Relief Aid

July 29, 2013|Connor Ryan
Special division within Audit Bureau would monitor storm relief aid.

As part of his campaign to become New York City's next...

Bloomberg tells New Yorkers to "Recycle Everything"

July 29, 2013|Katharine O'Marra
NYC recycling initiatives aim to save money and the environment.

Two new initiatives in New York City aim to encourage New...

NYC Sustainability Countdown

July 29, 2013|Veronica Volk
New York League of Conservation Voters develops environmental agenda for the mayor's final months.

A conservation group is...

Cityscape: Waxing Poetic

July 27, 2013|George Bodarky
NYC has provided inspiration to countless poets through the years.

During the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, poet Walt...

Fordham Conversations: Green Architecture and PlaNYC

July 27, 2013|Kris Venezia
Are energy efficient buildings feasible for Manhattan?

Mayor Bloombergs PlaNYC 2030 campaign aims to revitalize New York's...

Construction Begins for a New Park on Governor's Island

July 25, 2013|Stephanie Colombini
Mayor Bloomberg broke ground on construction for The Hills, a new park that will rise up to eighty feet above sea level.


New Report Reveals Large Senior Immigrant Population in the Big Apple

July 25, 2013|Ann Pierret
Nearly half of New York City's senior population is foreign-born residents.
New York City's immigrant population is aging...