The Amazing photo by Deirdre Hynes

The Amazing - FUV Live - 2015

February 16, 2015|Carmel Holt

The Swedish band The Amazing began as many do: just friends, drinking and jamming together. The name was born from one of...

How's Your Love Life?

February 13, 2015|Corny O'Connell

Happy Valentine's Day from WFUV! So, how is your love life? Can you answer that in song? Express the state of your love life...

Question of the Day: Coffee

February 12, 2015|Corny O'Connell

When playing the WFUV Question of the Day, it can be helpful to have a cup of coffee. So pour yourself a cuppa joe...

Israel Nash and band with Darren DeVivo, photo by Deirdre Hynes

Israel Nash - FUV Live - 2015

February 12, 2015|Darren DeVivo

Israel Nash (aka Israel Nash Gripka) is a singer, songwriter and guitarist originally from Missouri. He spent time in New...

photo by Tim Pierson

The Lone Bellow: Rockwood Music Hall 2015

February 12, 2015|Rita Houston

There's always a lot of pressure making the follow-up to a successful debut album. The Lone Bellow met that challenge by...

Jeremy Rainer

Ben Fields - Sunday Breakfast - 2015

February 11, 2015|John Platt

Ben Fields made his way from Rochester, NY to New York City is a very roundabout way: he spent 15 years living in Australia...

hasta la vista Shutterstock

Question of the Day: Goodbye

February 11, 2015|Corny O'Connell

We're waking up to the news that a couple of familiar names are saying goodbye - Brian Williams of NBC News and Jon Stewart...

Question of the Day: Move

February 10, 2015|Corny O'Connell

Street cleaning has been suspended for more than two weeks in New York City due to all the snow that's fallen. But today...

Martin Sexton photo by Gus Philippas

Martin Sexton - FUV Live at Electric Lady Studios - 2015

February 10, 2015|Rita Houston

FUV longtime favorite Martin Sexton needed only his guitar to captivate in this exclusive performance from Electric Lady...

Father John Misty: FUV Live

February 09, 2015|TAS Staff

Josh Tillman has undergone yet another metamorphosis, brought on by—what else?—love. The artist that first reinvented...