Question of the Day: Jobs that Suck

April 12, 2012|Morning Show

Career cast recently released their list of the ten worst jobs. Topping the list was no other than a lumberjack, however...

Mark Maryanovich

Rose Cousins - Words and Music - 2012

April 11, 2012|John Platt

Halifax songwriter Rose Cousins has earned acclaim and buzz around Canada for her beautifully, melancholy songs, and in her...

Laura Fedele

Everest Guest Blog: Who the Hell is Everest?

April 11, 2012|WFUV4dm1n

Part 1, in which Elijah Thomson introduces himself, the band, their sound and their intentions.

Cool zephyrs bluster and...

Question of the Day: Hall and Oates

April 11, 2012|Morning Show

Decades after their biggest hits, the music of Hall and Oates is being embraced by new fans all the time. Tonight, Daryl...

WFUV Presents: SongWorks with Everest, Part 1

April 10, 2012|Rita Houston

There is both an art and craft to songwriting. WFUV presents SongWorks, a new series where we will shine a light on this...

Annalee Harkins

Lost In The Trees - Words and Music - 2012

April 10, 2012|Russ Borris

The North Carolina collective Lost In The Trees follows wherever the musical mind of Ari Picker leads, and in the case of...

Merri Cyr

Dayna Kurtz - Words and Music - 2012

April 09, 2012|Rita Houston

With her powerful and versatile voice, it's impressive but not surprising that Brooklyn-based songwriter Dayna Kurtz has...

Lost In The Trees: TAS In Session

April 09, 2012|Kara Manning

The powerful, tender bond between Lost in the Trees' singer and songwriter Ari Picker and his late mother has informed both...

Pop Etc, Formerly The Morning Benders, Begin Again With New Name, Album, Lineup And Sound

April 09, 2012|Kara Manning

Late last month, the Morning Benders shed their old name which, much to their consternation,  had homophobic connotations in...

Question of the Day: The Art of the DJ

April 09, 2012|Morning Show

April is public radio music month and today begins WFUV's "The Art of the DJ." So, naturally, why not make the Question of...