NY Slice Top Five of 2022

The Jack Moves (photo:Poppie VanHerwerden), Lily Mao (photo: Justene Bartkowski), Happy Happy 24/7 (photo by J Spyrou), Lovehoney (photo:Aleksei Postnikov), Family Dinner (photo: Jimmy Fontaine)
Over the last 12 months, "NY Slice" thrived with varied music of all genres. There was folk, pop, rock, Latin, rap, and more — and scores of bands sending their songs to me and WFUV.
We heard heartfelt ballads and dance floor jams. There were songs for all holidays too: spooky Halloween songs, a punky Thanksgiving track, and lots of Christmas music.
Again and again, "NY Slice" proved again that there's a lot of talent in this little town. And I loved bringing new bands to you every weekday at noon.
It was hard for me to narrow it down to a "Top Five" list and I refuse to say any one of them is better than the others. I'll let you be the judge of that. But selected are five songs by bands that I kept coming back to on my own playlist: The Jack Moves' "Lionel Richie," Lily Mao's "Seasick on the Subway," Happy Happy 24/7's "Always Trying to Kill Me," Lovehoney's "Liquid" and Family Dinner's "You're So Cool."
I hope you'll give them all a spin and show them as much love as you can. Buy their music, go see them play live, sign up for their mailing lists, follow them on social media and spread the word about these talented acts.
More on each band:
The Jack Moves: This Newark, New Jersey-based duo creates a funk-soul vibe that goes down smooth.
Lily Mao: Busking in the streets of New York by day and playing out in the city's vast DIY scene by night, garage rocker Lily Mao has hammered out a niche in Brooklyn's indie-rock community with their gritty recordings and vibrant stage personality.
Happy Happy 24/7: the art-rock and self-help movement/pyramid scheme you've been waiting for.
Lovehoney: This Brooklyn trio has a fierce energy that is Influenced by blues, 60's psychedelic rock, 70's hard rock, and R&B.
Family Dinner: This poppy grunge-rock band from Long Beach, New York believes that "God looks out for fools."