Middle Kids: 2017

Middle Kids at WFUV
by Alisa Ali | 01/03/2017 | 12:00am

Middle Kids at WFUV

Middle Kids are a great new band out of Sydney, Australia. The core band is just a trio, but their sound is explosive. The band includes guitarists Hannah Joy and Tim Fitz (who are married) and drummer Harry Day. These classically trained musicians take as much influence from Mozart and Bach as they do from Talking Heads and Pixies.

The singer Hannah Joy is well named as her vocals and lyrics are immediately satisfying and easy to identify with. According to the band, “We wanted Hannah to sing not to you or for you, but with you.” After hearing their songs, you may just find yourself as their unofficial new member. It was an absolute joy to have them in Studio A for a conversation and live performance.

[recorded: 8/23/16]

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