Highlighting Student Journalists

(Photo: WFUV News)
Fordham Conversations taps into Fordham University experts, scholars, authors and staff to discuss and uncover issues that impact our world. In addition, WFUV-FM has a commitment to train the next generations of multimedia broadcast journalist. It is part of the public radio mission, as well as the mission of Fordham University. Today’s Fordham Conversations showcases a few of the stories and interviews that student journalists have produced.
Host Robin Shannon talks with Fordham Graduate Student Courtney Bergsieker about her new podcast, Disharmony: how music is responding to climate crisis.
Fordham Senior Zach Flores visits a bookstore in Connecticut to get the story behind The Book Barn and its amusing and hardworking owner.
Fordham Junior David Escobar talks with Meg Stapleton Smith, a Ph.D. student of Theology at Fordham, about Women, Priests and the Vatican.
Finally, Fordham Graduate Student Kevin Dineen examines the increasing number of rats in New York City.