Happy Winnie-the-Pooh Day

Winnie-the-Pooh (illustration by E.H. Shephard, Wikipedia)
Paul Cavalconte in for Corny O'Connell today! It's Winnie-the-Pooh's birthday! Actually, we note the birth of creator A.A. Milne, born on this day in 1882.
For Question of the Day, let's dig deep into Christopher Robin's toy chest for musical childhood delights and songs about bears, a bonus for Pooh tunes. I'll get to a set after 9 a.m.
Songs played:
1. Kate Bush, "Man With The Child In His Eyes"
2. Bob Dylan, "Forever Young"
3. The Killers, "When You Were Young"
4. Loggins & Messina, "House At Pooh Corner"