Happy Birthday, Yoko Ono!

Yoko Ono (photo by Matthew Placek, PR)
Paul Cavalconte in for Corny O'Connell today. Be my Yoko Ono! The artist, activist, feminist, and all-around survivor turns 87 today.
Whether you're a Yoko lover or just Yoko curious, you've gotta admire her independent spirit, and influence on others, beyond the Beatles.
So for Question of the Day, let's scream "happy birthday" to the avant-garde icon with your song choices. Let me know what you want to hear and I'll play a set after 9 a.m.
Barenaked Ladies: "Be My Yoko Ono"
Elbow: "New York Morning"
Elvis Costello: "Walking On Thin Ice"
John Lennon: "Oh Yoko!"