The CPB in 2013

$500,000 from the CPB is dependent on making our goal.
I'm writing to share some important info about WFUV's funding situation. Perhaps you've heard me talking about it on the radio. I hope you'll read on, and most importantly, take action.
This year, WFUV is at risk of losing the federal funding we ordinarily get from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (or "CPB"). It's a significant amount - almost 10% of what it takes to run WFUV. You could think of it as our version of the fiscal cliff. But it has nothing to do with balancing the budget or the politics of Washington.
CPB funding is essential to everything we do at WFUV. There's a threshold that stations have to meet to qualify for support. Recently, CPB raised the bar for WFUV, and a deciding factor is how much money we get from listeners like you. Right now, WFUV isn't making the cut.
We appreciate the strong support that many of our loyal listeners provide. If you've contributed in the past year, thank you. But we also need to hear from others who have not or no longer contribute. You see, CPB only supports stations that have the strong support of their listeners. You could think of it as our single biggest challenge grant.
While Congress may decide in the future to cut all public media funding, we depend on that support while it's still available. Please contribute today and help ensure that WFUV gets its share, to keep the station strong. We're counting on you. Thank you very much.
Chuck Singleton
General Manager