The Big Broadcast: Thanks for the Memories

Rich Conaty (photo by Gus Philippas/WFUV)
Rich Conaty and The Big Broadcast are genuinely irreplaceable. In our view, the show isn't the same without him here, so tonight's Big Broadcast will be the final one on WFUV. At 8 p.m., we'll present a selection of Rich's show from May 17, 2015 followed at 10 p.m. by the special, two-hour tribute, Remembering Rich.
While WFUV will no longer be airing The Big Broadcast, it is not going to disappear. WFUV and the Fordham University Library are working to preserve Rich’s archives and his legacy, and to eventually make the shows available to the public. We're in the very early stages of this process, and it will take time, funding, and human resources. As that happens, we’ll be sure to update you. Meanwhile, keep an eye out for a new lineup for Saturday and Sunday nights, set to debut in late July.
We’re grateful to Rich for sharing 43 years of amazing musical knowledge, and all those rare recordings from the 1920s and '30s. That gratitude extends to you too, for your enduring support for Rich’s work and WFUV.
From every one of us, thank you.