Gorrilaz on Letterman

Gorrilaz were fully animated last night as they performed a 45 minute webcast for David Letterman's Late Show.

The show opened with a quick screen projection of the animated band tooling around their dressing room waiting for the "warm up band" to start playing.  Meanwhile, the living carnation of Gorrilaz were walking onstage. 

As soon as Damon Albarn and crew launched into their 1st song, the atmosphere quickly turned from a talk show set to small club. 

And everyone onstage seemed to be having as much fun as those in the audience.  The simply irresistible Robert Palmer looking female string section busted out some pretty fly dance moves as they played as did frontman Damon Albarn while guests like De La Soul and Bootie Brown (Pharcyde) ran on and off stage to join in.  

The show ended w/ the band being joyfully bumrushed on stage by fans. 

During the show, Damon Albarn says, "I'm looking forward to Tomorrow Night. (10/8/10 - when Gorrilaz play Madison Square Garden) In fact, I've been looking forward to tomorrow night all my life." 

If you were'nt lucky enough to nab yourself a ticket to their big gig @ MSG, take solace in watching the webcast of their Letterman set here: 



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