An inside look at the people, places and spirit of New York City and its surroundings, with host George Bodarky, Sundays at 6:30am. Subscribe to the Cityscape Podcast through NPR.

By Nightfall

September 20, 2011|George Bodarky

The bright and dark sides of an early nightfall.

Autumn officially arrives this week, and that means the days will grow...

Diving into the Gowanus

September 09, 2011|George Bodarky

An exploration of Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal.

When it comes to murky waters, it doesn’t get much murkier than Brooklyn’s...

Reflecting Upon September 11th, 2001

September 06, 2011|George Bodarky

Marking the 10 year anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks.

September 11th, 2001 is a date that will forever weigh heavily in the...

Everyday Heroes

August 30, 2011|George Bodarky

Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

The term “hero” connotes great feats of courage akin to rescuing someone from a...

The Noo Yawk Accent

August 17, 2011|George Bodarky

Some say the New York accent is disappearing as the city becomes more gentrified.

New York City is known for a lot of things...

Creative Minds

August 11, 2011|George Bodarky

Talking with New York City inventors

Great inventors of the past have influenced the world we live in today. Thomas Edison...

NYC Street Food

August 08, 2011|George Bodarky

Today's street food isn't the street food of your grandmother's days-- but we'll talk about both in this episode of...

In The Village

August 01, 2011|George Bodarky

Taking a look at Greenwich Village's past and present

Greenwich Village, also referred to as just “The Village”, is a largely...

The People's Palace

July 27, 2011|George Bodarky

An exploration of the New York Public Library's Stephen A. Schwarzman building

On this week's Cityscape, we're exploring the...

Fire and Rain

July 22, 2011|George Bodarky

Taking a look at legendary music artists and what they have to do with the year 1970

New York-based journalist and author...