Woody's Children: Seeger Songography

Sunday at 4pm on Woody's Children: A Seeger Songography.
For ten years now, Bob Sherman has graciously let me put together our annual birthday show for Pete Seeger. I’ve had fun focusing on different aspects of his life’s work. Last year, for example, we revisited his wonderful live recordings from Carnegie Hall in 1963. The year before that, we followed Pete on an Occupy Wall Street march down Broadway.
Pete has been an immeasurable influence in my life, and I was very lucky to get to know him in his later years. May 3rd would have been Pete’s 95th birthday, and to celebrate his life, I thought it appropriate to explore his astoundingly rich catalog of recordings, stretching from The Almanac Singers in 1941, through The Weavers, right up to the 21st century.
We’ll cover it all: union songs, children’s songs, environmental songs, freedom songs, anti-war songs, and of course, singalong songs. How can you cover seven decades in just one hour? You can’t. But we’ll try. Join us this Sunday afternoon at 4 for A Seeger Songography!