Wonder Woman Stepping Down as Honorary U.N. Ambassador

Wonder Woman is stepping down as an Honorary United Nations Ambassador two months after her appointment sparked controversy.
Two months ago, the United Nations chose Wonder Woman to represent a campaign for the Empowerment of Women and Girls. Lynda Carter played Wonder Woman on television in the 1970s. She said Wonder Woman is an inspiring figure.
“Wonder woman helps bring out the inner strength every woman has," Carter said at the ceremony in October.
But a lot of UN staffers and others disagreed. Nearly 45,000 people signed a petition asking Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to reconsider. The petition calls Wonder Woman an overly sexualized figure who doesn’t represent the world’s women physically, or culturally. Not to mention, she’s fictional.
A UN spokesman says the decision to end Wonder Woman’s term was not because of the protests. This isn’t the first time a fictional character was used in a UN campaign. Red from Angry Bird was an honorary ambassador for just a day last spring, to raise awareness about climate change.