Titus Andronicus: 2019

Titus Andronicus with Eric Holland in Studio A (photo by Steven Ruggiero/WFUV)
Many times bands from out of town will visit WFUV before playing a show somewhere in Manhattan or Brooklyn that evening, which limits the time they can spend in our Bronx studios. That was not the case for local faves Titus Andronicus recently. The guys were able to enjoy a long, leisurely hang, which included warming up with some Velvet Underground covers before tape was rolling.
As delightful as the preliminaries were, Titus Andronicus shifted into a high gear with performances of their own songs, "(I Blame) Society" and "Tumult Around the World," found on their new album, An Obelisk. Frontman Patrick Stickles chatted with me about the new songs and explained how they reflect this particular moment in time. In addition, the band had the opportunity to work with Bob Mould, who produced the album, and for whom Stickles has the utmost respect.
We also discussed the new "STACKS" TV show, which was made to promote the album. It features Titus Andronicus music videos and amusing interludes of Stickles navigating demanding record company types and an unbearable journalist.
[Recorded: 6/19/19; Engineer: Jim O'Hara; Producer: Sarah Wardrop]