Title Title

We're doubling down on titles today. How many songs can you come up with that have a word repeated in the title? To get you started there's "Louie Louie" and "Iko Iko." Put the rest in the comments below and we'll spin a set.
We're also getting double the value of whatever you give to the station. You can thank Terry Siegel and Peter Ziemba for matching $25,000 in member contributions today. We'd be doubly thankful for your generous donation for this final Question of the Day in our year-end member drive.
Hear your requests weekdays after 9 a.m.
Today's set:
- The Rolling Stones "Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker)"
- Maggie Rogers "Want Want"
- Susan Tedeschi "Little by Little"
- Los Lobos "Mas y Mas"