Strike A Chord: Finding Solace in Grief Through Sharing A Meal

Augusta Falletta lost her brother to a car accident in 2014. She later stumbled upon The Dinner Party. It’s an organization where 20 and 30 year olds who lost someone significant in their lives, get together for potluck dinners. Augusta says at the dinners you talk about your life, but are openly able to share your grief about your loss, to people who are in similar situations.
“It's not like a doctor’s appointment where you go and you’re dreading it. It’s almost like this weird , bittersweet… It’s happy because you get to see these people you care about, but its also like okay, I know I’m going to feel a lot of feelings tonight.”
Augusta says she still thinks about her brother everyday, but she says the supportive people in her life, help ease the pain.
“I will think of him in little things, and I think of him in big things like, my niece growing up not knowing her uncle. But what’s been really helpful this whole time, is the people that have been around me, and the friends that I have gained through The Dinner Party.”
The Dinner Party is based in LA, but holds potlucks all around the nation.