State Lawmakers: NYC Residents Deserve More Say in Rent Prices
State Lawmakers: NYC Residents Deserve More Say in Rent Prices
A new bill in the state legislature aims to give New York City residents more say over rent rates. It would let the New York City Council veto appointments to the Rent Guidelines Board (RGB).
That's the body which sets rent prices for over a million New Yorkers through the city's rent stabilization law. Right now, the mayor decides who sits on the board.
Assemblyman Brian Kavanagh says that means renters can't directly hold members accountable.
"This board, like many boards, should be composed of people who have a broader range of support," Kavanagh said, "not just the mayor who appoints them."
Kavanagh, who is sponsoring the bill in the Assembly, says the RGB needs more checks and balances.
"They have operated in a manner that is opaque, and that many of us view as pretty unresponsive to the needs of the public," he said.
The bill would also ease restrictions on who can sit on the board.
Kavanagh says he expects the state legislature to pass the bill this spring. The Mayor's Office hasn't returned our request for comment.