Queens Councilman Van Bramer Cleans Up Seven Subway Line
Queens Councilman Van Bramer Cleans Up Seven Subway Line
Councilman Van Bramer introduces "pigeon mitigation systems" to stop pigeon excrement problem.
Queens Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer is waging a war on pigeon poop along the seven subway line. The councilman and a group of Queens locals gathered at the 46th street station to reveal the new "pigeon mitigation systems".
The $250,000 project includes physical barriers and an ultra-sonic sound system designed to scare the birds, but be inaudible to humans. Councilman Van Bramer said the droppings pose health and safety problems to everyone, especially small children, and is a problem that must be addressed.
He said, "It's not simply something where we can say 'You know what, this is New York, there are pigeons' this is a quality of life issue.
Construction is underway at the 46th, 52nd and 61st street stations and should finish within the next three months.