Paul Cavalconte's Cavalcade For June 6

Sometimes new songs can be subtle. They can creep up on you after the third or fourth listen and suddenly, just — pop. Others are more obviously hooky and catchy, but very often those are the ones we quickly grow tired of.

Then there is that rarer class of songs that are not just subtle, hooky, catchy, and instantly likeable, but they inspire the DJ brain to go into "segue mode." Personally, if I listen to a song and start to think strategically about how it will work into the mix, and what the possibilities are in combining it with other established songs ... that's when like transitions to love happen.

AND THEN, every so often comes a song that is SO likeable, that it engenders the highest form of segue flattery: Good Enough To Segue With Hall & Oates "Kiss On My List." Whoa. I saw you taking a step back. Not a "Kiss On My List" segue, you gasped. I gasped too. I won't reveal the title just yet. But I will play it, in tandem with the aforementioned 1981 kitsch-pop classic, on this week's "Cavalcade," along with winning new releases by Amy Helm (pictured), The Silver Lake Chorus, and some wonderful lost Wildflowers era music by Tom Petty.

Join me for "Cavalcade" from 8-10p.m. EDT. You can stream it on demand in the WFUV archives up to two weeks after broadcast.





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