Legal Immigrants Demand Voting Rights

by Megan Connor | 11/05/2013 | 4:16pm

Legal Immigrants Demand Voting Rights

City Councilman Daniel Dromm Wants More Council Support For A Measure Supporting Immigrant Voting Rights

Legal immigrants in New York City want their voices to be heard in local elections.

However, many who hold green cards or student and worker visas are not able to vote because they are not citizens. However, Queens City Councilman Daniel Dromm wants to do something about it. He's asking other lawmakers to back his measure that would expand voting rights for legal immigrants.

Dromm said " I know people who have been here for 17 years. A univeristy professor who has been here legally in the United States yet still cannot get that citizenship taken care of and that's not right. That person is paying taxes, they're participating, they're contributing to society and she should be allowed to participate in municipal elections".

Dromm says that so far 33 council members say they will support his bill. That would restore voting rights to over 800,000 legal immigrants in New York City. 


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