Gov. Cuomo Takes Aim at New York Republican Amendment

Upstate New Yorkers may not have to pay their share of Medicaid costs, thanks to a recent amendment ot the Republican health care bill. But the amendment is getting pushback from Governor Andrew Cuomo.

The amendment shifts more than $2 billion in Medicaid costs from upstate coutnies to the state government. Republicans say this would lower property taxes for upstate New Yorkers. But Governor Cuomo says he's not sure how Republicans expect Albany to fully fund the coverage of those who depend on Medicaid.

"Well, do you have a special arrangement with an angel or a 'Medicaid Fairy' who's going to float down and bring $2.3 billion? No." said Cuomo.

But Republicans say local governments are struggling to meet those costs and keep propoerty taxes down at the same time. 



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