(Food) Waste Not, Want Not
From the farm to your plate, a lot of food can get wasted along the way. Activists against food waste are trying to call attention to how much gets lost in New York.
Around one third of all food produced globally is wasted. That's according to longtime activist Tristram Stuart. He says the problem's even worse in the U.S. where consumer habits are often too wasteful.
"If you're chucking food in the trash, you're taking all of the land, all of the water, all of the labor, the love, the money, the resources that went into growing that food, and you're sticking it straight into the ground" said Stuart.
That's why he started the "Feeding the 5000" campaign. They gave out 5000 free meals at Union Square today made entirely of wasted food. But Stuart says you don't have to go dumpster diving if you want to make a difference.
"Once you've got the food in your kitchen, just being sure that everything gets eaten up, leftovers get used another day and recombined into new dishes," said Stuart.
Partner advocacy group City Harvest distributed an additional 5000 meals to low-income neighborhoods across the city.