Family name = Band name!

With Mavis Staples and the Staple Singers as our FUV Essential Artists this week and the new album by Haim, featuring the Haim sisters, as our New Dig (Something To Tell You), we are thinking of family bands who use their family name as their band name. Can you suggest some? We'll play a bunch in the 9AM hour.
Here's what we played:
The Cowsills - "The Rain, the Park and Other Things" (The Cowsills)
The Avett Brothers - "Kick Drum Heart" (I and Love and You)
Carpenters - "(They Long to Be) Close to You" (Close To You)
Tweedy - "Low Key" (Sukierae)
The Allman Brothers Band - "No One to Run With" (Where It All Begins)