Connecticut Legislators Advocate for an End to Conversion Therapy

LGBT advocates and lawmakers in Connecticut are standing in support of a bill to ban conversion therapy in the state.The bill would ban medical professionals in Connecticut from practicing any sort of therapy to change someone's sexual or gender identity.
Historically, conversion practices have involved electroshock therapy, drug treatments, hypnosis and even surgeries. Jeff Currey, an openly gay Connecticut State Representative, is one of the bill's main sponsors. He recalls therapy stories of children who have been blindfolded and abducted in the middle of the night, and others who have been forced to eat salt for meals.
Jennifer Levi is an advocate and attorney with Connecticut's GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders (GLAD). She says today's methods mostly pertain to what she calls "talk therapy." This involves making people feel ashamed or embarrassed for being gay or transgender. But, she says that is not the message we should be sending.
"We need to do everything possible to send a message that it's okay to be gay and it's okay to be transgender," Levi said.
Openly gay State Senator Beth Bye, another of the bill's sponsors, says she wants to protect Connecticut youth from therapy practices that could hurt and further stigmatize them.
"I think we all have to stand up for young people, and we have to make them feel comfortable in who they are," Bye said.
More than 60 legislators have shown support for the bill, which will be discussed at a public hearing this week.