Advocates Are Pushing For More Lactation Spaces in New York

Breastfeeding in public is now legal in all fifty states. Despite being legal, it is still carries a strong taboo in many public places. Advocates in New York are saying there are still not enough clean spaces set aside for lactating women to both breastfeed and pump. 
Christine Serdjenian Yearwood is the Founder and CEO of Up-Stand, an organization that advocates for pregnant women and families. Yearwood worked on the bill and says people often forget breastfeeding includes pumping. She says when spaces aren't available for lactating women to pump and breastfeed, it's hard for them to participate in certain entertainment venues.  
A bill proposed in te New York State Senate and co-sponsored by New York State Assemblymember Aravella Simotas will require places of entertainment like arenas, theaters, and museums to be more accommodating of pregnant women and caretakers. 
Other accommodations in the bill include stroller parking and changing tables in public restrooms. 

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