The lists we love to hate

Making lists bores me to tears. Yet I do it every day. Stuff to do, places to go, CDs to buy, blah blah blah.  But the lists that make my eyes cross are the Best-of-the-year.  It’s easy to take it too seriously. HOWEVER, it is one great way to get turned onto the music (or books or movies, etc) you MAY have missed this past year. So we count down the best CDs of 2010 today - as voted by you. Check out my Facebook page for an interesting conversation on the best SONGS of the year and one music writer’s disdain for all this list making. Oh, and the Q of the D will have to be Facebook only today, due to the countdown.  So sue me, why don’t you.  Or better yet, ‘friend’ me, why don’t you.

Happy New Year!!  xox


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