Top 10 Signs You're a Cheap Bastard

top 10

10. Switched from Yankees fan to Mets fan to save on playoff tickets.

9. Still waiting for Sgt. Pepper’s to show up in the dollar bin at the CD store.

8. Instead of paying for sex, you have female staffers on your show give it to you for free.

7. When you do pay for sex, that bulge in your pants is a pocket full of quarters.

6. The last time you picked up the check at dinner, the number one song was…

5. To save on gas you carpool with Mel Gibson,  Britney Spears, and Billy Joel.

4. Your favorite charity is the Salvation Army of Cheap Bastards.

3. Two words: Squirrel Casserole

2. Instead of paying for music, you download it for free...wait, that’s just a sign you have internet access.

1. You’ve never contributed to WFUV.

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