There Will Be Music

Some films you shouldn’t see without reading the book first.  And some soundtracks you shouldn’t listen to without seeing the film first.  I’ve been spending some time this week with Johnny Greenwood’s score for “There Will Be Blood” and it’s kinda making me want to give the film a second chance. 

I spent most of my first viewing of “Blood” annoyed that P.T. Anderson had forgotten to cast any women in his film.  2 hours and 45 minutes of movie and not a single love scene to be had, which, in a film where Daniel Day Lewis is the lead, is a really REALLY wasted opportunity.  (It’s also just glaringly unrealistic.  Are we to believe that Daniel Day Lewis -- the sexiest living creature on the face of the earth -- is single, presumably hetero, smart, accomplished and oil-rich and the townswomen AREN’T knocking down his door every night?  Uh-huh). 

The soundtrack is making me recall some of the high-drama of the film and realize that it was pretty artfully done.  Funnily, the last time I remember a soundtrack changing my opinion of a movie post-viewing was Aimee’s Mann soundtrack for “Magnolia,” another P.T. Anderson film.  Can you think of a soundtrack that made you reconsider a movie you didn’t like too much the first time around?

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