"woo" on record

So I’d been hearing news about a new Patty Griffin live DVD, and now the release date is set: Oct. 30th. First of all - I heart Patty G. Let’s just get that out of the way. But other than wanting to hear anything she’s ever sung, there’s another bit that has me psyched.

The DVD is Patty Griffin: Live From The Artists Den and it documents a special show she did in February ‘07 at the Angel Orensanz Center in NYC, showcasing songs from Children Running Through and playing a few favs too. And, luckily enough, I was able to be there (thanks Rita).

Didn't take this, and just happen to be in it...  weird.

Gorgeous venue, magical night, lots of surprise guests, and now I can relieve the burden on my memory and just watch it all again!

Okay, not quite the same as being there, but still -- how often does that happen? How often can you relive moments, musical or otherwise? And... how many times have YOUR cheers been captured on a live record? Were you the one who waited ‘til just the right/wrong quiet moment to let out your best “WOO!”? It’s time to confess...


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