Look Who's Cycling Now

I love to ride my bike. Unfortunately, the last two times I did so in NYC, I had rather unfortunate experiences -- including one which Julianne Welby witnessed -- and for which I have an inch-long scar on my right forearm.

But. I had a chat with David Byrne the other day (!) about cycling in the city-- not just for fun (?) but for transport. He’s hosting an event Saturday night at the Town Hall called “How New Yorkers Ride Bikes” and it sounds like a blast. You can hear my chat with David about cycling on City Folk Morning Friday at about 6:45 am and 8:45 am. I thought you might also like to know that David’s daily cycling commute takes him along the Hudson River -- a bike path he heartily recommends; he says he takes in some awesome sunsets. He also spoke very highly about a Brooklyn bike ride that takes you under the Verrazano bridge all the way to Coney Island.


(You can start at Fort Hamilton Park or, for a longer ride, up at Owl’s Head Park. And as David puts it, you can take your bike home via the subway to just about anywhere in town.)

DB also recommends riding in Staten Island -- again, under the Verrazano and along the Atlantic.


Do you cycle in NYC? And who do you think is worse -- rude riders (on two wheels) who don’t stop for red lights, etc ... or road ragers (on four wheels) who don’t think twice about scaring the spandex off cyclists ??


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