
Did you know that there are people who experience musical notes as colors?  Or flavors?  This month’s Vanity Fair reports that everybody’s favorite neurologist, Oliver Sacks, is coming out with a book about music and the brain.  Some further research reveals chapter titles like “Papa blows his nose in G” and “Accidental davening: dyskinesia and cantillation.”  From the book descripton:

“In Musicophilia, [Sacks] examines the powers of music through the individual experiences of patients, musicians, and everyday people from a man who is struck by lightning and suddenly inspired to become a pianist at the age of forty-two, to an entire group of children with Williams syndrome, who are hypermusical from birth; from people with amusia, to whom a symphony sounds like the clattering of pots and pans, to a man whose memory spans only seven seconds for everything but music.”

Sounds like classic Sacks.  Watch this space for a full review once I get my hands on a copy.

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