Ritter rocks out!

You know how you can sometimes hear someone smiling?  Even when you can’t see the person, you can just tell by the sound of their voice that they’re grinning from ear to ear.  Listen in tonight at 8pm (and ever after in the WFUV Archives) to hear Josh Ritter smiling his cute little head off as he performs songs from his new album, The Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter.  We recorded a fantastic live show with Josh at The Box in Manhattan last night, in front of a packed house of WFUV Marquee Members and other Ritter fans, and I can’t remember the last time I saw an artist so damn happy to be on stage.  He just exudes joy and energy and gratitude that he’s able to do what he loves for a living.

Hold onto your hats, friends, because the Folkie Formerly Known as Josh Ritter is plugged-in and louder than ever.  Not that he hasn’t been known to get a little raucous at times, but his new album is definitely a bit of a change.  I don’t think any of his fans will be alienated -- that is, unless they are the kind of people who are no fun at all.  The carefully crafted lyrics and singalong choruses are still there, but the whole sound is a little edgier and a lot more caffeinated. 

Last night’s show included lots of songs from the new album (including a sweet/funny/weird one about love and nuclear war), along with a couple of old favorites, and a surprising cover.  Some photos below, taken by WFUV staffer Sarah Wardrop standing in the back of the room, that don’t begin to convey how much fun this show was.  (Click on the photos to see them full-size.)  You can hear the whole thing on 90.7 FM and wfuv.org tonight, starting at 8pm.


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