Roller Derby is the new Black

TXRB was the entertainment on the final night of SXSW. That's Texas Roller Derby. When i was a kid the roller derby on channel 9 had such an impact on me I was psyched to experience it live for the first time! There's DEF a retro/hipness to it now. Back in the day it was more like scary old ladies with too much make up. Now it's mega tattoos, torn fishnets, and scantily clad tough girls! Once we caught on to the actual rules--yes, apparently it's not just about toppling the skater in front of you, it was pretty fun. The players all have clever names too like Smother Teresa, Axel Rosie and my fave, Lucky Harm. I'm not sure if this trend is catching on here in NYC yet, but i'm thinking if my FUV gig ever gets boring I'll start up a Roller Derby team. I'll just need a tough name!

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