Study Says Shoveling Could Land Men in the Emergency Room
A recent study found women fair better than men when it comes to clearing the driveway after a snowstorm. The study from the Canadian Medical Association concluded that men were 16 percent more likely suffer a heart attack, and 34 percent more likely to die of a heart attack after a major snowstorm. On the other hand, women did not appear to have any increased risk.
Dr. Eric Appelbaum is the Chief Medical Officer at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx. He says heart attacks are not the only problem shovelers should be wary of. Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a big problem that he says most people forget about.
"I tell people now: make sure you take frequent breaks... not in your car. You won't know if someone behind you, or a plow comes by and puts a big pile of snow next to you, it can block your tailpipe," Appelbaum said.
Appelbaum also says you should always stay hydrated and avoid heavy meals before heading out to shovel.