Strike A Chord: Sucking Up Plastic Straws

Dr. Judy Weiss has been studying marine biology for over 40 years, but said she can't believe how much the ocean has changed in that time.
She's a biology professor at Rutgers University, and said when she takes students to observe the ocean she's often alarmed by what she finds.
"As we went down there for field trips, there was plastic all over," Weiss said. "You know like bottles and straws."
City Council Member Rafael Espinal Jr. is trying to change that.
He's introducing a bill to ban plastic straws from eateries in New York City. The bill would prohibit bars, restaurants and other service establishments from offering single-use plastic straws or stirrers with drinks.
Espinal said plastic straws can have a destructive impact on the environment and if people keep using them it will only get worse.
"By 2050, we will have more plastic floating in our ocean than fish swimming in it," Espinal said.
Espinal said that more than 130 restaurants have already signed on to the Give a Sip Campaign. This campaign was started by the Wildlife Conservation Society to promote a plastic straw free New York City.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said eliminating plastic straws is the natural next step after getting rid of plastic bags in the city.
"If I had it my way you would be enjoying your last plastic straws in New York City," de Blasio said.
This change comes amid a growing effort across the U.S. to eliminate the use of plastic. Some major cities have already banned plastic straws, including Seattle and Malibu.