A-Rod Suspension Protest Takes An Unexpected Turn
A protest against Alex Rodriguez's major League Baseball Suspension today turned sour.
Fernando Mateo, the President of Hispanics Across America was taken to Weill Cornell Medical Center after a security woman threw a cup of hot coffee at his chest. Mateo was scheduled to speak at the protest against Rodriguez's 211-game suspension. The woman has yet to be identified and her motives are still unclear.
Mateo's lawyer, Sanford Rubenstein did not take the situation lightly. He exclaimed, "Fernando Mateo deserves justice, in that if he is attacked wrongly, hot coffee thrown at him, whoever did that, and we have a photo of the woman who did it, should be held acountable. He added "We have reported this to the police. They are investigating. Fernando is currently hospitalized because of this attack".
The protests in favor of Rodriguez will continue at MLB Headquarters (245 Park Avenue) for a week. It is scheduled to end with a possible 24-hour vigil from Thursday to Friday.
Mateo, who was suppose to make a statement today before the incident, said in a press release, "The punishment does not fit the crime, A-Rod is innocent. If A-Rod is found guilty by association, a 50 game suspension like every first time offender would be fair".