NYC Taxis Getting an Upgrade

The Taxi and Limousine Commission has rolled out a new pilot program for cabs. The Vehicle Safety Technology Pilot Program is the latest effort to end traffic related deaths as part of Mayor de Blasio's Vision Zero plan. So far, ten taxis have been outfitted with black box data recorders, driver alerts and in-vehicle cameras. Council Member Jimmy Vacca said the new tech will help cab drivers be more aware of their driving.

"This program is certainly proactive, rather than reactive," Vacca said at a press conference Tuesday. "We're not waiting for an accident, we're out there trying to prevent accidents and make our streets safer."

All the information from the cameras and recorders will be analyzed by the TLC. This includes regular, day-to-day driving, not just when an accident happens. If the pilot's a success, the commission will require all New York City taxis to be equipped with the upgrades.

The pilot is a partnership with the private sector as well. So far, two companies are signed on to participate and have provided the technology: IonFleets, Inc. and Mobileye Inc. The program is open to other participants and the TLC said several other companies have started the application process.


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