NYC Lawmakers Call For More Speed Cameras in School Zones
Dozens of people with yellow school crossing signs in hand took to the steps of City Hall where Mayor De Blasio and City Council members demanded more speed cameras in school zones.
The city wants to increase the number of school zones with cameras from 140 to 750. Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer said this bill is about protecting future generations.
"Who in the world makes us fight to save the lives of children?" Bramer asked. "That is wrong. Every single day that we do not have a speed camera in front of a school, we are endangering the lives of children."
Mayor Bill De Blasio said speeding is an issue with a simple solution.
"We're losing lives." De Blasio said. "We're seeing people greviously injured [like] children and seniors. We can actually stop this with a stroke of a pen."
A recent report found school areas that have speed cameras saw a 60% reduction in speeding. The Mayor and City Council members are trying to get the bill passed before Albany's legislative session ends on June 21.