NYC Council To Vote On Plastic Bag Fee
New York City is considering imposing a $0.05 fee on plastic and paper bags. The City Council is voting on the measure Thursday.
The so-called "bag tax" isn't really a tax. City Council Member Mark Levine says businesses would be able to keep the extra nickel per bag. He says that extra $0.05 would also help the environment and the economy.
"It's not a way for the city to get rich," said Levine. "It's a way for the city to become cleaner and more environmentally friendly, which would reduce costs in landfills. It's just smart policy."
Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles have enacted similar laws, and have seen a steady decline in plastic bag usage.
Opponents say the fee unfairly targets low-income households and senior citizens. New York's bill wouldn't require people on food stamps to pay the fee.